Flux Image Generator로 생성된 AI 이미지

Background Setting: Set the background color to bright yellow.

Egg Design:

Use an 8x8 or 16x16 pixel size.
For the fried egg:
Egg white: Create a round shape in white.
Yolk: Draw a yellow circle in the center.
Add Border: Outline the fried egg with black for better definition.
Final Touches: Adjust the colors and placements as needed for balance.


Background Setting: Set the background color to bright yellow. Egg Design: Use an 8x8 or 16x16 pixel size. For the fried egg: Egg white: Create a round shape in white. Yolk: Draw a yellow circle in the center. Add Border: Outline the fried egg with black for better definition. Final Touches: Adjust the colors and placements as needed for balance.