Imagem de IA Criada pelo Flux Image Generator

Create a visually stunning image of a particle and fluid simulation against a dark background. Show a dynamic scene with numerous small, discrete particles interacting within a flowing, translucent fluid. Use a gradient of vibrant, vivid colors—transitioning smoothly from electric blues to neon greens, fiery oranges, and radiant purples—to represent different speeds and densities in the fluid. Illustrate particles moving in complex patterns with striking, luminous trails or streaks that blend seamlessly with the gradient. Ensure that every detail, from the particles to the fluid flow, is sharply in focus. Include shading, lighting, and color gradients to enhance the fluid motion and particle positions. Add boundaries or obstacles within the fluid to influence flow and particle movement, ensuring high detail and a realistic rendering of fluid dynamics and particle interactions.


Create a visually stunning image of a particle and fluid simulation against a dark background. Show a dynamic scene with numerous small, discrete particles interacting within a flowing, translucent fluid. Use a gradient of vibrant, vivid colors—transitioning smoothly from electric blues to neon greens, fiery oranges, and radiant purples—to represent different speeds and densities in the fluid. Illustrate particles moving in complex patterns with striking, luminous trails or streaks that blend seamlessly with the gradient. Ensure that every detail, from the particles to the fluid flow, is sharply in focus. Include shading, lighting, and color gradients to enhance the fluid motion and particle positions. Add boundaries or obstacles within the fluid to influence flow and particle movement, ensuring high detail and a realistic rendering of fluid dynamics and particle interactions.